Xora Odelle
Who I am:
I'm a theatre loving theatre professional. At my heart, I am a storyteller and a story lover. I believe stories are powerful tools for history, connection, activism, and reflection. I try to implement this belief in everything I do whether it be acting, writing, directing, education, or administration.
My Mission:
My mission is to create impactful works that make people confront themselves and the world around them. I aim to dance on the edge of controversy in mindful ways that challenge and change my audience.
Influences (in no particular order) :
José Rivera, Bertolt Brecht, August Wilson, Anton Chekhov, Jermey O. Harris, Zora Neale Hurston, Kehinde Wiley, William Shakespeare, Betty Davis, Prince, Alfonso Cuarón, Janizca Bravo, Eve Ensler, Quiara Alegría Hudes, Suzan Lori-Parks, Octavia Butler, Danez Smith